Representative Democracy and Constitution Pancasila Perspective with the 1945 Constitution

Patarai, Muhammad Idris (2021) Representative Democracy and Constitution Pancasila Perspective with the 1945 Constitution. Representative Democracy and Constitution Pancasila Perspective with the 1945 Constitution, 4 (4): 3355. pp. 12941-12951. ISSN 2615-3076

[thumbnail of Representative Democracy and Constitution Pancasila Perspective with the 1945 Constitution] Text (Representative Democracy and Constitution Pancasila Perspective with the 1945 Constitution)
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[thumbnail of Letter of Acceptance (LoA)] Text (Letter of Acceptance (LoA))
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The process of receiving aspirations has several pathways or
mechanisms, it can be at the time of research, it can be the
mechanism for receiving aspirations in the parliament building from or from the mass media, social media, it can also be from the political infrastructure, namely the political parties from which they come, from interest groups or pressure group. The legislature is relatively busy and has a solid agenda of activities and therefore
the members in it should ideally have adequate capacity and
competence for their duties and functions. The duties and functions of representing the people have been carried out at the time of his representative inauguration as a member of parliament. His authority to choose the chief executive apart from increasing his authority and charisma as a representative of the sovereign people; also at the same time means not returning some of its functions and authorities which have been handed over and received from the people in the general election. This is where the
confusion of the direct executive leadership election system, both in the presidential and regional elections. It is even worse when viewed in terms of the constitution, in this case, the source of law which abstracts the empirical values contained in the preamble of the constitution (the Preamble) or the basic values (intrinsic) which are the philosophy as well as the basis of the state, namely
Pancasila. In the 4th (fourth) precept, it expressly reads:
"Popularity Led by Wisdom of Wisdom in Deliberation/
Representation", but its existence in the Body (article 1 paragraph 2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is implied and hidden.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: J Political Science > J General legislative and executive papers
Divisions: Fakultas Politik Pemerintahan > Prodi Kebijakan Publik
Depositing User: Idris pattarai
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2021 07:20
Last Modified: 25 Aug 2022 02:37

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